Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I post a review on Amazon?

You may want to review Amazon's guidelines on how to Submit a review.

  1. Click our link to go to Amazon.
  2. Search for your book.
  3. On this book's detail page, scroll down to the review section and locate the 'Write a customer review' button.

Amazon Book Review

4. Use the final rating and review you generated to complete the customer review form.

Amazon Create Review

5. Finally, submit your review.

Amazon Create Review - Success

How do I use my custom URL to promote my book?

Getting reviews can be challenging for an indie author.

Try using a statement like this when communicating with your readers:

Thank you for reading my book. Leaving a review on Amazon is the best way to support my career as an author. If you're unsure what to write about, just use this tool to help generate your review.

Then include your custom link to

Why do I need to say if I received a free copy?

Those that have paid for a book may have a different perspective compared with those that received a free copy from a contest, as a gift, or during a promotion. Books given free to reviewers from the author or publisher are not a reward, they are a review copy.

What are some tips for writing a good review?

Your review will help potential readers make an informed purchase with your unique reading experience. Here are some tips and advice to improve your review.

  • Would you recommend this book to a friend?
  • What were your least and most favorite parts of this book?
  • If you could change something in this book, what would it be? Would you change the ending?
  • How were you affected by this book?
  • What would you say to the author?
  • Did the author accomplish what they intended?
  • If this book is the best you have ever read, say so — and why.
  • What did you wish you knew before you started this book?

This video has more information about posting book reviews and what reviews mean for authors.